Before and After

Original JATAS Machinery Sales, Inc. Homepage

NEW JATAS Machinery Sales, Inc. Homepage
The client wanted to build a website that was pleasing to the eye and gave customers an easy, comfortable online experience. So, a User Experience was designed that presented with a catalogue of popular machinery, led them through the machinery specifications and options, and provided an opportunity to easily request a quote online.

Brand Visual Identity
JATAS Machinery Sales, Inc. sells metal fabricating machinery. They sell a variety of brands with unique brand color palettes of their own. As the go-to source for purchasing all of the different brands, the JATAS Machinery Sales, Inc. color palette was designed to represent the one thing all customers have in common, metal. The primary colors are very simple as to, first and foremost, draw the user's eye to the listed machinery. The secondary colors represent various metals and are used as accents to bring the final clean, simple, modern look together

JATAS Machinery Sales, Inc. was originally using a graphic font as the company logo since it was founded. In honoring the long history of the company, the font was maintained. However, since the company brand is identified as a source for all other brands, the layout was standardized and the original teal color was replaced with the primary black. These simple changes communicate the reliability, tradition, and a sense of unique personality that customers have come to expect from JATAS Machinery Sales, Inc.